
COS News Bites: 8.29.09

N Korean ‘arms ’ Seized by United Arab Emirates
The UAE has seized a ship secretly carrying embargoed North Korean arms to Iran, say diplomats. UAE reported the ship was carrying 10 containers of arms severed off at various locations and angles. Some were cut off at the elbow, others at the shoulder, and some were not even arms, just hands. An UAE official said while a shipment of this nature is scary, the arms were at least small. Still, the arms had to be seized due to a ban on shipping arms to Iran.

A Reluctance to Spend May Be a Legacy of the Recession

Note to economists and corporate executives- most Americans are broke. A reluctance to spend may be a legacy of having no money.

Karzai Says he Really Dislikes the ‘Real Housewives’ Reality Show to Gain Favor With Afghans

As American concerns mount about reports of widespread electoral fraud in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan is portraying himself as the candidate willing to stand up to the Real American Dream.

Amid Hiring Freeze, Candidates Are Really Glad They Were Not Hired Into These Places

About 1,800 teaching jobs in New York City remain open as principals appear to be resisting orders to fill vacancies with qualified people who are paid too little for what they do. Meanwhile children are tying up the remaining teachers.

Shuttle Discovery Blasts Off to Space Station

In a last ditch effort to regain public attention for space, the shuttle is carrying Simon Cowell, the entire Roloff family, several former Biggest Loser contestants (who lost), 2 UFC fighters, several co-eds picked out randomly from “Spring Break Cancun 2009”, and Jon from Jon and Kate Plus 8. Suits were designed on Project Runway. Crew will be taking advantage of the weightless environment to conduct a variety of experiments. The ship was also carrying 10 containers of weapons and related items, including rocket-propelled grenades and ammunition.