
COS News Digest : 8.28.2010

FAA clears Continental airlines to offer nude flights
Continental CEO Jeff Smisek: "The FAA's decision permits us to clear clothing, one of the last remaining dignities of travelers, to having the fastest security, check in, to take off process at the airport" Under this new arrangement we do not expect any delays at all for our valued business travelers.  Despite, and possibly directly because of the completely nude screening process, State attorneys general's will still monitor these passengers very carefully. Not facing the same American prudery, the European Commission cleared nude flights a long time ago.  To the news Story

Paul Allen sues nearly everyone for violating his patents

David Postman, a spokesman for Mr Allen, said: "anyone using the web between 1980-2010 has violated our intellectual property"  "This lawsuit is necessary to protect our investment in innovation." Nearly everyone told Reuters: "We believe this suit is completely without merit and we will fight it vigorously."  "But, Paul Allen should be given just a little money to get his teeth looked at" To the news story

Bernanke Say's Fed will use large sums of money to buy nearly everything to save the US economy
“Fed Chariman Ben Bernanke came forward on Friday to say that the Fed will do all that it can to ensure continuation of the economic recovery."  "even up to and including buying all assets” he added.  Economists including Nouriel Roubini a reputable economist who predicted the financial crisis, says, "buy chickens now". To the news story

Somali man claims he "accidentally" attacked a U.S. Warship
While still not accepting complete culpability for his actions, the pirate does admit attacking a U.S. warship with a tiny rowboat was probably the worst decision he ever made.  Until this year, there had not been a piracy-related conviction in the United States since 1861, during the Civil War, officials said.  What the hell is going on?