
Friends of COS: Pulse of Craig Heyrman's Female Followers: Mood Following the Announcement of Craig's Engagement

COS News: The scientific study "Pulse of Craig Heyrman's Female Followers: Mood Following the Announcement of Craig's Engagement Inferred from Twitter" illustrates the varying mood of women as inferred after analyzing over 300 million tweets created by just 200 women over the course of the day. Various density-preserving cartograms and a time-animated video were produced to capture important large-scale trends.

The researchers analyzed all public tweets posted after Craig announced his engagement, and filtered those whom orginated from just women and that contained words included in the psychological word-rating system called Affective Norms for English Words. Through a natural language processing algorithm called Sentiment Analysis, which Craig and nearly all men do not understand at all, each tweet was assigned a mood score based on the number of positive or negative words it contained. Out of the resulting data, they then calculated the average mood score of all the users hour by hour which formed the basis of a series of time-varying mood maps.

One of the interesting patterns shows how women in Florida could care less what Craig decides to do with his life, while women in Michigan, NY, NJ, Paris, and Germany are experiencing radical mood swings. Daytimes were observed to be happier than nighttimes.