
Friends of COS: West Say's HR Cost Him 200 Million

Glendale, AZ (Reuters) – Serving as HRIS Manager cost Mike West at least $200 million, the wrestling star turned HR guy with pseudo technology and data orientation told a newspaper in his native Glendale, AZ insisting 'it was more than worth it."
Counting expenses and lost income from acting in reality programs, building web sites, writing children's books, flipping houses, or searching for oil, "in all it is probably more than $200 million," he told Krone when asked how much his 11 years in Human Resources had cost.
"But I'm not sorry. It was more than worth it," he said.
"What was much worse was the damage my time working in Human Resources did to the family. There is a lot there that needs to be repaired," he said, recalling the many Sunday evenings when his wife, Lisa, broke out in tears at his heavy work schedule.
"I hate your job," West quoted his girlfriend, turned fiance, turned wife as saying during his time in Human Resources at Google when he would leave home at 7am and not return until after 8pm.  "She threatened to leave me"
"It was heartbreaking every time when I stayed late to work on HR projects that had good intentions but that were mostly considered by others to be bullshit (if noticed or considered at all)" said West, who has served in Human Resources since 1999. "In my 4th job, I did better. I tried to leave by 5pm every day and almost never worked on the weekends" "but alas after only a year I was laid off from that job so I had to go in search of another."

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